Scanning Your Ad
Your ad will need to be digitized so it can be added to your spread. To do this, you'll need to log into any one of computers that has a scanner connected to it and load your ad, image side down into the scanner. From there it's pretty simple really. Just launch Photoshop and follow the directions on the yellow scanning handout that you received earlier in the class. There are two slight discrepancies between the handout and the way you will need to scan the ad. The handout was built around the idea of scanning for a notepad and as such, it tells you to scan in gray scale. Since you'll want a color copy of your ad, it should actually be scanned as a color file. Also, the spread that you build and place the ad into will ultimately be printed so when scanning, choose a resolution of 300. The video below accompanies the handout if you need more clarification on the process. Just be sure to make it color and 300 despite what the video may say! If you prefer, the handout for the process can be found here. |
P. O. D.
Principles of Design Ad Critique Assignment Scanning your Ad Straightening an Ad Cropping the Ad Making a Screen Recording CD Jacket Project CD Layout in InDesign CD Layout Thumbnails CD Layout Rough Making a Bar Code Uploading a Photo Downloading an Image from Making a Practice Selection Adding & Rescaling Items in Printing & Trimming Scoring Turning in the Project |